

Masermic through its iFALL device closes a global agreement with Zaintzean

The project arises from the observation of socio-sanitary needs, there are more and more people needing to be covered inside and outside their homes.

Zaintzean , in its vocation of improving the life quality of the most lonely people -autonomy, attention and care- has also seen the opportunity to complement the services offered by the public administration, providing coverage outside home and active safety at home.

The cornerstone of this project is the iFALL mobile telecare system manufactured by Masermic, highlighted among other market solutions due to the highly reliable fall detector.

This avoids any proactive action of the person when an emergency occurs, being the detection, warning and call totally automatic at the user´s side.

The device itself is equipped with a hands free communication system, it can be used outdoor and indoor and the user is located 24 hours by GPS. In case of emergency, the device has a panic button to alert immediately.

The Ziur, Telecare and Teledetection program´s mission is to respond adequately to the emergency situations of our elder and dependants, providing accompaniment, monitoring and orientation to this social stratum.

The service includes telecare 24h X 365 days, evaluation, resource mobilization and regular monitoring of the user suited to its needs.

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